CASE STUDY: Tutoring Studio Takes Off.

We helped this boutique Learning Studio 10x'd their web traffic & 4x'd their sales lead acquisitions.
Here's how...

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The process.

  • The eq advantage  eqils 2021 01 03 at 2.02.59 pm
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  • Connect
  • Close
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    Concision & Clarity

    By honing in on eQ's core value proposition, we helped eQ develop a message & brand promise that resononates

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    Push & Pull Strategy

    We compiled a cache of on-brand' & "evergreen" marketing copy for use in social posts, email outreach, direct messages & blog posts. 

  • Copywriting Mockup - Case Study
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  • The eq advantage  eqils 2021 01 03 at 2.13.21 pm
  • The eq advantage  eqils 2021 01 03 at 2.02.59 pm
  • The eq advantage  eqils 2021 01 03 at 1.58.09 pm


  • 10x increase in website traffic
  • 700% more Facebook Page Likes
  • 3x monthly revenue

Key Takeaways

What we learned working with eQ Innovative Learning Solutions 

Strong emotion = strong motivation
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Services centered around educational achievement operate in a space that is very personal and emotionally driven. Parents and students experience real frustration and challenges related to a child's learning. Connecting benefits of eQ's offerings to these emotional triggers helped to articulate the value to prospective clients. 

Meaningful connections build trust

When purchasing decision involves multiple family members - student + parent(s) - it is particularly important to build trust and develop a familiar relationship. These tend to be long sales cycles, with multiple touchpoints before the "fish or cut bait." Demonstrating real value up front, and is particualrly important closing deals with long term clients.